
에너지기초 (Energy Foundation) 관련 국제 공동세미나 안내


에너지기초 (Energy Foundation) 관련 국제 공동세미나 안내


개 요

행 사 명 : 에너지기초 (Energy Foundation) 관련 국제 공동세미나

장 소 : 대전역 서광장 한국철도공사 대전충청본부 5층 우암홀

일 자 : 20231012() ~ 13()

주 최

- 국립 군산대학교 풍력 지지구조시스템 에너지혁신연구센터

- 국립 군산대학교 신재생에너지연구센터

강 사


- 국립 군산대학교 김형주 교수

- 국립 공주대학교 추연욱 교수

- 에드벡트 이태환 대표


세부 일정 (상황에 따라 변경 가능)

일 시

내 용


10:30 ~ 12:00

Long-term soil-pile interaction considering consolidation settlement

and the lateral helical pile behavior for

solar power plants in Saemangeum reclamation ground

(국립 군산대학교 김형주 교수)

12:00 ~ 13:00

Lunch (sandwich)

13:00 ~ 15:00

The evolution of the suction anchor and bucket foundation concept

15:00 ~ 17:00

Offshore installation of suction anchors and bucket foundations


09:00 ~ 10:30

Utilization of centrifugal model test for

offshore wind turbine support structure system technology
(국립 공주대학교 추연욱 교수)

10:30 ~ 12:00

Suction bucket technology in Korea : Evolution and Achievements

(에드벡트 이태환 대표)

12:00 ~ 13:00

Lunch (sandwich)

13:00 ~ 15:00

Model and large scale field test for offshore wind foundation

15:00 ~ 17:00

Structural health and field performance monitoring


약 도



기타 사항

세미나장 주변 주차공간이 매우 협소하므로 가급적 대중교통 이용 바랍니다. (주차료 지원 불가)


12() 저녁 만찬이 준비될 예정이오니, 참석을 희망하시는 분들께서는 109(월요일) 18:00까지 참석 여부와 참석자 정보를 미리 알려주시기 바랍니다. (4ourty@kunsan.ac.kr)

*기한 마감 후 신청하시는 경우, 저녁 만찬 참석이 불가할 수도 있는 점 미리 양지해 주시기 바랍니다.



요 약 (Summary)

Thursday 12th Oct 2023:

- Prof. Hyeong-Joo Kim of Kunsan National University (10:30 ~ 12:00)

“Long-term soil-pile interaction effects considering consolidation settlement and the lateral helical pile behavior for solar power plants in Saemangeum reclamation ground”

A numerical model for the uncoupled analysis and investigation of long-term soil-pile interactions effects under continuing consolidation settlements and the lateral helical pile behavior for solar power plants in saemangeum landfill and reclamation areas is being presented in this study. Advanced settlement theory is being adopted using Mikasa’s generalized consolidation equation that considers finite strain, self-weight consolidation effects, and which has been extended to the consolidation analysis of layered clay profiles.

Results of a numerical investigation of two end-bearing piles driven under a new and old fill showed that the magnitudes of the drag load are almost the same under small and large consolidation settlements. Since only a small amount of relative movement is required to either partially or fully mobilize the shaft skin friction in the negative direction, long-term consolidation settlements can therefore be significant to their effects on the capacity of future deep foundations especially in highly compressible soils such as landfill and reclaimed area.

To analyze the lateral behavior of eco-friendly helical piles for supporting structures of solar power plant in soft reclaimed ground , the nonlinear load transfer method and the derived modified p-y springs, is used to investigate the effect of helix embedment, the distance of the applied load from the ground surface, helix plate diameter, and the number of helices.

The results showed that the first helix relative to the ground line provides the most significant lateral resistance, and its optimal embedment depth is sensitive to the magnitude of load applied on the pile. Also, an increase in helix plate diameter reduces the lateral deflection, but minimal effects are observed when the number of helix plates is increased. Generally, the optimal configuration of a helical pile depends on the design load and acceptable pile head deflection.



- Per SPARREVIK, Expert Adviser of NGI (13:00 ~ 17:00)

"The evolution of the suction anchor and bucket foundation concepts"

A travel in time, from the very beginning in the early 80's until today, applications and case histories from the offshore oil industry to the present applications for bottom fixed and floating offshore wind turbines. Major technical milestones, new concepts and features along the timeline.


"Offshore installation of suction anchors and bucket foundations"

Suction installation in easy and difficult seabed conditions, driveability predictions, installation (pumping and monitoring) systems and offshore operations, geotechnical risks and mitigation methods (piping, soil heave, refusal), foundation removal, etc. Case histories and lessons learnt from field work.




Friday 13th Oct 2023:


- Prof. Yun-Wook Choo of Kongju National University (09:00 ~ 10:30)

“Utilization of centrifugal model test for offshore wind turbine support structure system technology”

For more than a decade, extensive centrifuge model tests have been performed using the KAIST centrifuge facility and have significantly contributed to the knowledge of the fundamental bearing mechanism of monopiles and bucket foundations, especially installed sandy sediments, under environmental loads for supporting offshore wind turbines. This presentation summarizes the experimental findings and contributions from the test series conducted for offshore wind foundations.



- Tae-Hwan Lee, CEO of Advact Co., Ltd. (10:30 ~ 12:00)

“Suction bucket technology in Korea: Evolution and Achievements”

This lecture introduces the development and achievements of the suction bucket method since its introduction in Korea in the late 1990s: the development of the U.S. NAVY's suction bucket technology, the source technology for Korea's suction bucket method; cases in early stage achievements such as Korea's first concrete suction anchor, the world's first embedded suction anchor and a large-depth soft-bottom breakwater with a concrete suction foundation; and recent all-in-one suction installation of offshore wind turbines and reuse of large-depth soft-bottom offshore structures using suction bucket technology.





- Per SPARREVIK, Expert Adviser of NGI (13:00 ~ 17:00)

"Model and Large-scale field tests for offshore wind foundations"

Examples from Suction bucket and pile tests investigating both installation and bearing capacity aspects. Objectives, tested response/parameters and outcome. Discussions about small vs large scale tests and the importance of appropriate monitoring systems and test procedures to solve the problem by relevant and high-quality data.


"Structural health and field performance monitoring"

Examples from the offshore wind industry. Why, What and how to monitor? Geotechnical, structural and corrosion monitoring, dynamic and recordings. Permanent and retrofitted temporary monitoring systems; embedded, below and above the waterline. Digital twinning, combining measurements and modelling.
